Sunday, November 14, 2021

2022 Maze Calendar


You’re stuck on hold on the phone? Waiting for your ride to show up?
Put your finger at the beginning of the maze and find your way. If you find the exit before your ride arrives, you win! If your ride arrives before you finish, you win!
Available now at


Monday, September 27, 2021

The Achiever (the overthinker)


This is really more about overthinking than achieving.  And about how you can have several whole trains of thought in the space it takes someone to say two words out loud.

Thursday, August 19, 2021


 My first Plop! This is the 40th anniversary of the German independent comic collection Plop and it’s running the Zombie secretary, Begonia featuring her difficulties on speed date night.

Cover of the German  comic book Plop, featuring a rather frightening looking long-haired baseball player with blood on the bat

This is a photograph of the artist holding up the envelope in which her comic book came from Germany