Friday, August 03, 2007

Contrasaurus Rex

All i want to do is dance, dance, dance!!!

dear readers: i lost my Book. it's the book containing my works in progress. it's a sky-blue 3-ring binder containing about 3 months' worth of work. i had finished 3-4 illustrations, ones i was quite proud of. due to an overload of work i had been unable to scan and color them, and had been carrying them around for some time. and then i lost them. among the completed drawings was "henry james' bathroom" showing someone having a bubble bath in a room with a view, and lots of books. also, "the bra factory" which was inspired by a colleague's move into a renovated bra factory in boston's industrial district. i give these descriptions in the irrational hope that some day someone will find my book - and to justify posting an old picture here. i chose this one because it cheers me up.
